Dear clients and collaborators,
The approval and entry into force yesterday of Royal Decree 10/2020, establishes the sectors that are framed in the new cessation of activities in the framework of the fight against Covid-19.
The new regulation states that transport and logistics activities are necessary to facilitate the transport of goods and guarantee supply. We would like to inform you that our company, Servicios Auxiliares MarĂtimos Algeciras (SAM Algeciras), will continue to be active and functioning these days, as we understand that it is part of the essential supply chain for the correct functioning of our country.
However, until 9 April – the deadline for this new measure – the collection and delivery operations of some goods could be affected if their activity is not considered “essential” as determined by the Royal Decree.
At SAM Algeciras we offer our clients and collaborators all the resources necessary to help alleviate this situation as far as possible. For weeks we have had contingency plans developed for this purpose.
Please, if you have any doubt, clarification or need derived from this new legal regulation, please do not hesitate to contact our teams through your usual contacts, in order to look for alternatives to achieve the minimum possible impact.
The SAM Algeciras team.